uPVC windows are simply a newer and stronger version of PVC, which is the generic name for the main material used in vinyl windows. Today, most credible window manufacturers now use uPVC for their vinyl windows. The key to buying a good vinyl window is in knowing how the vinyl was extruded and how the manufacturer filled the frame (if at all) during the manufacturing process.
If you have any questions about your replacement windows project, send us an email and ask away!
The Basics Behind uPVC Windows
uPVC differ from PVC in the following way – uPVC is unplasticized. In other words, not softened. Plasticized PVC is flexible, making it ideal for garden hoses, dashboards, etc. When it comes to window frames, you want very little flexibility because, over time, this leads to warping and/or sagging.
Once this happens, all kinds of problems occur in home windows; windows that do not proper slide, locking mechanisms that jamb, hardware that doesn’t work properly or align correctly.
uPVC Windows Cost
uPVC windows costs will run anywhere from $450 to $1400 installed — windows and installation costs taken together.
Total Entry Level Costs: $450 – $700
Standard Prices: $700 – $1000
High End Pricing: $1000 – $1400
More On uPVC Replacement Windows
Once the vinyl is extruded, the frame is sold to manufacturers (unless the manufacturer makes their own vinyl extrusions), who then puts the frame together. At this point in the process the frame is hollow. The manufacturer can leave the chambers empty (less strong and less costly), put in foam fills (more energy efficient, no effect on strength), reinforce the meeting rail using aluminum inserts (some added strength), reinforce the meeting rail with fiberglass inserts (adds some strength and energy efficiency) or reinforce each side with galvanized steel (adds lots of strength and a bit less energy efficient)
Design Pressure Test
Design pressure test using an independent 3rd party to test and score how effectively a window withstands air, wind and forced entry. Obviously, the higher the score the better. When comparing these numbers it is important to compare comparable frame size. This number is only one indicator of energy efficiency, along with R & U values as well as SHGC.
uPVC Windows Manufacturers
The following companies make what some industry experts consider to be the best uPVC windows. Certainly, there are other great companies, but for value and cost savings, this is a list of brands that we like.
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