Searching for Jeld Wen window prices? Find past customer JELD WEN window prices and cost info on many of their most popular product lines. For additional information on this company, see our page on Jeld Wen windows, which details company products, strengths, weakness, costs and much more. We have also provided a page on Jeld Wen window reviews that discuss consumers, homeowners and industry experts opinions on this company.
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JELD WEN Window Prices
The following Jeld Wen window prices list is from past customers – pay particular attention to the year in which the porject was completed (or the bid year) as this will obviously affect today’s equivalent pricing (assume a 2.5% – 3% increase each year).
Sierra Vinyl Horizontal Gliding Window
Dimensions: 48″W x 48″H
Price: $150 each
Pricing does not include installation.
Location: Home Depot
Purchase Year: 2011
Premium Vinyl Series
9 DHs, 3 sliders, 1 Patio Door (argon fills, double pane, low-e)
Dimensions: Standard
Price: $9,800
Includes product and installation.
$10,000 installed from local contractor
Location: Kansas
Project bid from 2011.
Vinyl Horizontal Gliding Vinyl Window
Dimensions: 72″W x 48″H
Jeld Wen Window Prices: $220 each
Pricing does not include installation.
Location: Home Depot
Porject completed in 2011.
Double-Hung Wood Window
Dimensions: 32″W x 54″H
Cost: $350 each
Pricing did not include installation.
Location: Home Depot
Purchase Year: 2011.
Vinyl Sliding “retrofit” window (3 panels, no grills, argon fills)
Dimensions: 90″W x 43″H
Costs: $943 each
Cost does not include installation.
Location: Connecticut
Bid pricing from 2011.
6 Vinyl Casements
Dimensions: 36″W x 54″H
Price: $250 each
Pricing is for windows only through a local contractor. No installation pricing included.
Purchased in 2010.
8600 Vinyl Casement
Dimensions: 24″W x 48″H
Price: $421.00 each
Pricing for product only.
Purchased in 2010.
Atlantic Vinyl Single Hungs
Dimensions: 37″W x 26″H
Jeld Wen Window Prices: $310
Pricing does not include installation.
Location: Home Depot
Purchase Year: 2009
Vinyl Single Hung Windows With Low-e Glass
Dimensions: 32″W x 60″H
Cost $185 (per window)
DIY installation
Location: N/A
Project completed in 2007.
Marvin Prices
Milgard Prices
Simonton Prices
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